Static Mixers are a terrific, time-tested solution for in-line mixing of both miscible and immiscible fluids. They provide reliable, predictable mixing. We have experience with common and unusual applications. Mixing ammonia into flue gas? We do that. Trying to add a color swirl to marshmallows? Done it. Looking to add sodium hypochlorite to your municipal drinking water? Oh come on, that’s as easy one.
At UET Mixers, we are proud to be part of your success. See below for general information on our static mixers. If you have a specific application that requires a static mixer, please contact us directly. We’re always excited to talk about mixing! Check out our “Learn More About Static Mixers” pdf here.
Helical Static Mixer
(Series 1)
- 180-degree helical elements
- Wide range of viscosities
- Miscible or immiscible fluids
Whirled Static Mixer
(Series 2)
- Bent/twisted whirl elements
- Shorter than conventional static mixers
- Enormous range of applications

A division of Downeast Machine & Engineering, Inc.
26 Maple St.
Mechanic Falls, ME 04256
Phone: 207-345-3330
Fax: 207-345-3301
E-Mail: sales@uetmixers.com
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